Values continued...
The issue is still relevant. One of my favorite educational organizations, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (, has information about character education, including resources for teachers and parents.
So I’d be interested in knowing what “role models” kids today are emulating? (I had promised myself not to use that phrase, but, alas there it is.) Do any of them come from literature? Video games? Celebrities? Characters from television dramas, comedies, or (shudder) reality shows? Actual acquaintances, friends, family, teachers, clergy, coaches, neighbors? Politics, do I dare ask?
I’d also be interested in just what values kids are learning and accepting? What do they admire, what principles guide their behaviors?
I recognize, unlike Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye, that the world changes, that people change, but I also like to think that there are some things that are so universal, so essential, that they remain with us. They may look different in their outward appearances, but their fundamental worth remains strong. Family comes to mind. Friendships, too.
What do you think?
7/17/2008 3:42:55 PM
In being involved with such a scope of kids it is interesting to see what they attach to. Most kids want to be like someone. Unfortunately, sometimes they let the influence of the peers determine that someone. I think it is important that we as parents and educators recongize these kids for who they are and provide enriching experiences to help these kids select a role model. Provide them with books whose characters mesh well with each kid. Or, point out someone in the community whom is a good example to the child and find characteristics that are seen in both the child and the person.
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