Middle Schoolers Continued...
It’s not difficult to argue that we live in a time when intelligence and learning are not especially valued. No such movie as Smart and Smarter, is there? Some of our top politicians, looking for preadolescent votes presumably, actually brag about their mediocre grades in school or “lost youth,” as if that’s a badge of honor.
Put these students with the secret motivations together, these “gifted” kids who like to learn, and watch what happens. Magic. They feed off each other, challenge each other, stretch each other. They don’t have to spend energy putting on an act of eye-rolling ennui.
And if they’re with a teacher who knows how to handle their inquisitiveness, who isn’t intimidated by students who may be quicker than she is, the magic becomes a miracle. And don’t think the other kids won’t notice. It’s not too much to hope that it eventually becomes acceptable, if not actually “cool,” to be in the smart group. If we know anything about adolescents, it’s that they want to “belong.”
Tomorrow, I’ll wrap up my thoughts on middle schoolers…
9/17/2008 7:17:45 PM
We recently discussed this article at a staff meeting and here is a summary ofcomments made by our teachers. It takes a special person to teach middle school students. We need to find a way to channel their gifts - whether academic or artistic- so these students can challenge themselves and others. Some students are "afraid to be smart" in front of their friends. We must encourage these students to like themselves, enjoy being themselves, and not feel embarassed as they learn. Through respect and patience, these students will be able to look back at their middle school years as some of the best years of their lives.
Susan Sugrue
11/2/2009 11:40:04 AM
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